Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 13 - Las Vegas?

We find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip, a trip takes us.
John Steinbeck – Travels with Charley 

And I’m back in Vegas.  I was here earlier this year for the ACOFP conference and a portion of my boards.  I had fun, but would certainly not put this anywhere near the top of my favorite places in the world.  In fact there are not many places I could rank lower, maybe Trenton, NJ or Los Angeles.  The lights are pretty at night, but overpriced food, crowds and gambling are not my thing (no judgments if that’s your kind of thing).  Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have fun.  In addition to Shriver coming out here, John Cooper (another Sig Rho brother) came out from his new location in Arizona to hang out.  Great time, but no stories to share because what happens here stays here. 

So instead of telling you all about the wonders of Las Vegas, I’ll use this time for a little reflection on the past two legs of the trip.  I’m now 1/3 of the way through the trip.  So much has already been seen and it’s hard to believe there are 27 days left.  I started reading the John Steinbeck book Travels with Charley, the quintessential road trip novel.  Written in 1960, the book follows John’s travels across the US along side his trusty Poodle, Charley.  There has not been much time to read, so I have only read the first few chapters, but the very beginning discusses his preparation and ultimate day of departure.  There was a moment a few days before going that the excitement turned to a feeling of dread, realizing it’d be months before he’d be in the comforts of his own home.  He wished for an excuse not to go, and I must admit I had the same feelings.  However, 2 weeks in that is all gone, I’m still going strong.

It’s been great so far.  Dad and I were very surprised by what the South had to offer.  The Smokies were mystical.  At one point they were the tallest mountains in the world, reaching peaks as high as Everest.  They’re like the wise elderly mountains, smoking their pipes on the front porch, content with where they’ve been.  The cities had so much culture from the country twang of Nashville to the jazzy swagger of New Orleans.  Though as much as I liked the cities, my heart lies in wilderness.  The National Parks of the Southwest have been unbelievable from the horror movie backdrop of Carlsbad Caverns to the colorful plateaus and canyons of the Grand Canyon and Zion.  And while I only seem to talk about the waypoints, I must say the scenery along the roads and highways are quite memorable themselves.  The average temperature for these two legs has been well into the 90s, but when you’re seeing such amazing things, its hardly noticeable.  Of course the people along the way have been wonderful too.  Listening to stories and figuring what brought two strangers to the same place and time is always fascinating. Andy and Dad both fly out of Vegas from here, and I must say I’ll miss them both.

The next two legs of the trip will be spent alongside my best friend, Nick.  I must give him credit for igniting my love for travel, especially for the “fly by the seat of your pants” kind of travel.  Our first trip was back in Med School, we randomly chose to go down to West Virginia for a couple of days to explore the New River Gorge area.  We had no reservations, no plans, just camping gear and two mountain bikes.  It was a great trip.  No plans seemed to work out better which remained true for visits to Olympic National Park and Glacier National Park.  I even have to give him credit for heading to Belize, which was a life-changing experience.  So I enthusiastically welcome him aboard. 

The next leg of this trip will take us to California to see Death Valley, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, Yosemite and Red Woods National Parks.  We’ll stop in Stockton to see Jake McDowell, a former co-resident in Williamsport and then check out San Francisco. Thanks for sticking with the blog, the feedback has been awesome and I didn’t realize so many people would be following.  With just 10 entries I’ve had 2000 views.   For those without Facebook, I’ve uploaded about 200 pictures to my Google Picasa site.  There are a lot more parks coming up which means inconsistent access to Internet.   I’ll try my best to continue posting, but instead of it being daily, you may get chunks of posts. 

Miles Driven: 3880
States: PA, MD, WV, VA, TN, NC, AL, MS, LA, TX, NM, AZ, UT, NV
Money Lost Gambling: 0
Number of times Chris Angel came off as a douche during his show: 28
Favorite Park: Zion National Park (so far)
Best Food: Char-broiled Oysters in New Orleans

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